Got 2 minutes? Come help the League!
As you may or not be aware, the League of Utah Writers is a non-profit organization. We're run entirely by volunteers and the dues we collect are put back in the hands of our local chapters or kept to put on events that benefit writers across the state. To that end, we don't always have the resources to do what we want to do and end up applying for grants to help us fulfill our vital mission.
One such grant we've applied for is from Conquest Graphics. They're a regional printing company that gives almost $30,000 in printing services to non-profit organizations like ours every year. The good news is that we're in the running for a piece of that money and in order to get it, all we have to do is vote for the League! Head on over to the Conquest Graphics website and vote for the League of Utah Writers and we'll have a shot at winning the grant.
With access to funds to help us print flyers, signage, programs, and even zines, the League will be able to help stretch its funds to help even more fellow writers across the state.
It's a quick and easy thing to do, and we'd be honored if you would help us out.
Voting Instructions (so easy!):
Go here: Conquest Graphics Nonprofit Partners
Find "The League of Utah Writers" on the list.
Select "The League of Utah Writers" and click "Next" in green.
Enter your email and then the "Send Verification Code" (this makes sure people aren't cheating).
Go to your email and find the email from "JotForm" with your four-digit code.
Enter code into the form and hit submit!
For all you overachievers out there, post on social media and ask friends and family to vote for The League of Utah Writers!
Thank you!
