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New Chapter Application

Helpful information for 
New and Prospective Chapter Presidents

By choosing to be a leader, you have the unique opportunity to do great things and benefit all in your chapter, as well as add value to the League. Thank you for your willingness to serve!


Here are two helpful documents that can answer the most common questions about how chapters can be run and what you'll need to consider when it comes to the logistics of how you can set yourself up for success.


If you are considering starting a chapter, or are new to leadership, please read the "2023 Information for League Chapter Presidents" document below.


If you have any questions or are ready to take the plunge and need to know what's next, feel free to shoot us an email!

2023 Information for
League Chapter Presidents

How to open an AFCU account for League chapter presidents

Downloadable Logos
(Click button of selection, then right-click the image and select "Save image as")

LUW Sign.png
LUW Letterhead.jpg

Apply to Create a New Chapter

How do you want to receive your chapter splits?

Thanks for applying to form a chapter for the League, we will contact you shortly!

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