League Anthology 2025
Calling all League of Utah Writers members!
We invite you to contribute to our upcoming anthology celebrating the theme of:
Creating Hope
“Another reason I became a writer was to escape the hopelessness and despair of the real world and enter the world of hope I could create with my imagination.”
- Ray Bradbury from an interview with Ken Kelley, May 1996.

Photo by Alan Light
Rules and Guidelines
5,000 word maximum, hard limit
Poetry, flash fiction, short stories, and personal essays welcome
All genres
Submissions must:
Be in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format
Use a 12-point Times New Roman or Courier New
Be double-spaced with one-inch margins
Contain no personal identifying information, including author name, anywhere in the file (including the file name)
Unpublished works only
Multiple submissions: No
Please send us your best work—only one entry per author
A set of up to four short, related poems, such as a series of haikus that build on each other, may be considered one entry. Such entries will be accepted or rejected as a set. Submit all poems on the same document. Do not submit unrelated poems as a set.
Simultaneous submissions: Yes
We particularly encourage you to also submit your work to the League of Utah Writers Woolley Awards Contest, for which your work will still be eligible even if selected for inclusion in Creating Hope.
You must be a League of Utah Writers member in good standing for the entirety of the publication process (November 2024 - August 2025)
If you are not sure if your membership is active, please email membership@leagueofutahwriters.org
We are not looking for stories which include graphic rape and/or sexual assault, or which promote ableism, racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia
Selected submissions will be paid a flat rate of $25 for story or essay ($10 for poetry) and will receive a digital copy of the anthology.
Selections will be made at the end of April 2025. All submissions will receive a response.
Selected authors will be collaborating with the anthology editor using Google Docs and Google Forms.
Authors must be able to access and use these platforms in order to participate.
To see anthologies from past years - click here!
Inspired by Ray Bradbury's profound words, we invite writers to explore the theme of hope through immersive storytelling. In a time when it’s easy to lose ourselves in the despair of the world, it is up to writers to use our imaginations to create the promise of things worth holding on to.
Submit your original short stories, poems, and creative nonfiction about love, social justice and family dynamics that will transport readers to realms where imagination prevails over despair. Whether through fantasy, sci-fi, or contemporary tales infused with magical realism, unleash your creativity and offer a glimpse of the worlds we yearn for.